21 January, 2013


I love my sewing machine! Do you, too? Especially during the cold season when one does spend so much more time inside I like
to put it out and sew the hell away. A small person like me has so many clothes to adjust, and I never really get the chance to do
it. However, once I built it up I don't stop until everything is tight and nice again.
Trying to live a sustainable life that sewing machine actually is a great help. If something breaks it can be fixed it instead of
purchasing a new item. Or clothes I don't wear anymore I store for giving them another purpose by transforming them into
something new, like gloves I made out of an old scarf. It is very satisfying being able to repair things on your own and to create
something in general. I am very grateful my mom introduced me to her hobby. Even if you do not like to sew or don't have a
sewing machine, the spirit of giving not longer used item a new purpose is something one can transform on many things.

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